Feedback on my customization UI

Hey there,

I’m really not satisfied with my UI at this point, so I figured I’d need some feedback from others. So. Go wild! Tell me your honest opinions, criticize me and rate me! All help is appreciated!

Please keep in mind, I haven’t come close to finishing. This is a very early stage of this UI, that is why some sections are missed out.

Another heads up, I haven’t done any uniforms, therefore, it’ll just be rags…


Class - What rank, (Ranks are assigned different uniforms, helmets)

Sections - For example
Are different regiments of the army.

The buttons do work, they give you a backpack depending on which regiment you choose and a different hat depending on class and regiment.


Preview on the overview buttons:


Ability to move character smoothly to get a better look:


( Gif is cut for some reason not sure why :frowning: )


It’s really clean and easy to understand, maybe what it’s lacking is some colors. I’d also try to differentiate the text from titles to the ones used in sub-menus, for example CLASS is caps and bold so then I’d change the text of RANKER and OFFICER to Ranker and Officer.

Don’t know if I am making myself clear.


As we can see, in terms of size your UI leans heavily towards the left, causing the UI itself to appear less intrinsically defined and more piecemeal. Here’s what I mean.
For a more refined UI, the distance from the first button to the leftmost edge of the UI should be the same as the far right button to the rightmost edge. I don’t know what the space beneath the hair buttons is for. Hair colour?

A word of advice: to distinguish skin colour from accessories etc., you could make their buttons circles. This would make it more like…make-up, plus adding an extra dimension to what is currently quite a pale (though not problematic) UI, by separating colour and accessories.

Problems with the GIF include the fact that the moustache overlaps the mouth and the monocle does not cover the eye completely. I’d rework the positioning of the hats. Moreover, a smoother moving of the character could be beneficial as right now, it looks quite stop motion-esque and this is somewhat atavistic.

Regarding the left of the screen, it seems like an odd amount of buttons for something so simple. Why not have a list of classes to choose from, and only then upon choosing a class, the sub-classes appear? That way, the UI would be much cleaner and simpler.

Overall, I’d make the UI more rigidly defined rather than simply being a white rectangle with buttons inside. Make the buttons fit to it and tailored to it, rather than merely placing them in. Add flavour to the buttons in terms of size and shape. The use of white is overall quite neutral and I don’t know if you’d want to experiment with a more gratifying colour, or indeed adding decal styles that would increase the flavour of it as an inherently and immersively colonial game, rather than one representative of its modern playerbase.


Here’s an example with some color and a few things changed so you can get an idea on how to improve it.

Forgot to change the text from Overview to Class


I actually think the UI looks (and works) amazing! I just think that some color should be added, since black and white seems just a little bland.

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I think the Ui looks pretty nice but might make a few changes.

Add lines under the title for these:
(line under the old guard) It just seems it would look a little better in my opinion.

Skin color:
I would probably add maybe 1 more skin color option so it fills up the bar. It just looks a but weird having all the empty space on the one side and barely any space on the other side.



Hey there! You’re UI looks great, It is kind of plain and simple, but that makes it unique. The UI is clean and very smooth. The only think I would recommend/suggest you add would be hair color. Other than that, you have done a great job with the UI! :rocket:


The UI you have exampled looks good, I suggest that he adds some color to it to make it look more well-detailed. Good job.

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