So! I made this pretty cool looking dialogue Ui and a fleshed out easy to use system!
Is there anything that could be changed/adjusted? The sprites and text are all placeholders for testing out the system aswell as the top left textlabel.
Btw if its unclear you continue the text by clicking and can speed it up by clicking whilst the character is talking.
EDIT: AGH im such an idiot I forgot to put the video
EDIT 2: New video! some art and tweaks with the tweening
Oh wow this is some nice ui and tweening!! I do think the smiley face coming in at an angle kinda looks strange but that’s my opinion. Other thank that I like the ability to change text speeds and the ui itself. Great job!
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Thank u!! And actually yeah ur right it does look kinda strange… I made that tween because I forgot clip Descendants exist, thanks for the input!
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This looks very good! I like the animation and style of the UI!
That’s really cool! I like it a lot, and the ui is very nice.
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