I’ve created my first ever Showcase and it revolves around the environment. Please rate the showcase in the scale of 1 to 10 by hopping into the game mentioned below. I’d appreciate some suggestions as to what additional stuff I can add. Constructive criticism is welcomed.
Couple of things.
Spawned on top of a tree
One of the Grass groups is floating around and the player jumps when touching it.
Thank you for letting me know.
Can you show more pictures? You could also add a campfire.
You could also add a birds nest on the trees? Or a hole for squirrels? You could add a bit more detail to the trees.
You can add some animals deers rabbits bugs and. More and you can also add some more grass to fill in the environment and add some leaves and tree branches, so it can look like a full tree and next to the campfire you can add some tents to them…! The game is blurry you gotta fix that to!
Can’t wait to see the final photos.
Fixed the collision problem. All I had to do was change the collsion fidelity to Hull instead of Default.
I love your low polly builds. They are looking good so far! You should add some smoke to that campfire.
Like the new updated evironment, great work man the brown tent it’s a little open if that’s a tent.
No it’s not a tent. That’s a part of a log.
In general i really like it. However i would change the height of the flowers , they’re a bit too high. I would also add a pond with a dock for a bit more detail. I also would improve on the lighting. Apart from that i really like it!
Too flat.
Woodlands always have more uneven terrain, and to make a woodland flat is honestly far too garden-like. The grass is oddly spaced, considering that they exist in large clumps when the rest of the ground is SmoothPlastic and lacks grass, and the grass itself is different in colour to the ground. At a first glance, I was convinced that it was a swamp.
The trees, rocks, and logs look good. Well done. I would fix the anomalous nature of the grass and the flowers, though. They appear very out of place.