Feedback on my Experience rating app UI

Hello Developers!

I have been having a bit of fun working on a Experience rating app UI! I’m trying to master the arts of UI design, so, I’ve been working this.

Program used: Figma

Colors Usage Color Code (Hex) Color Code (RGB)
Main Background Color #000814 0, 8, 20
Second Background Color #003566 0, 53, 102
Button’s Color #FFD60A 255, 214, 10
Darked Second Background Color #002F5B 0, 47, 91
Text Color #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255

(Please note: Don’t be to harsh :sweat_smile:)

Login Page

I’m not 100% happy with the login page. I’m not 100% sure on how I could improve. Maybe change the circles to heart, thumbs up and star icons?

Profile Page

I’m pretty happy with this profile page, but I still feel like there’s something off, but I’m not sure what it is…

View Experiences Page

This is my favorite page out of them all. I’m pretty proud of this one!

Search Page

Just like the “View Experiences Page” but with a search bar.

Experience Rating Page

I think this page is alright but, I feel like the “Rate Your Experience” button could use change. Not sure how tho.

Thank you for checking out my designs! See ya next time :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: