Feedback on my exploration game

Could I have some feedback on 2D game - Roblox
In this game, you move your character over a 2D world, jump over spikes and lava, and collect coins. You can spend those coins at shops to purchase upgrades, which let you surpass harder obstacles. There are leaderboards, so you can check your best times, and try to beat the record.
I would like some people to play, and tell me what they think of the game please. Did anything break? Any bugs?

Do you want to play again?
  • Yes
  • Maybe
  • No

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Did it seem to hard?
  • Too easy
  • Perfect
  • Hard
  • Way too hard

0 voters

What was your favorite biome?
  • Snow
  • Grass
  • Cave
  • Deep Cave

0 voters

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Bug when generating terrain. Biome is snow.

I would think that is a graphics settings issue, as that is not actually possible to generate. My code selects a random piece, and places it in front of the last one, and there is no piece that matches the terrain shown in that image. Thanks for the report though. You can’t see your character, and the camera follows the player’s position, so the character is standing there, unrendered.