Feedback on my "Fall you get banned" game

Hey! :wave:

I released my game to beta today. I’m looking for feedback on it!
All feedback is helpful. Thanks! :slight_smile:

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Games like these just seems like ways to artificially inflate visits.


Not much to do exactly, the game passes are massively overpowered making the game entirely pay to win, the music is obnocsious and I found myself muting it after a minute of a the same loop and the map is just blank.

I feel @steven4547466 said it quite well since it feels this is just a quick made game to post on the forum, rather than something that’s had care and effort put into it.


Thanks for the response! :slight_smile:
This game has just been released in to beta so that’s why it feels incomplete. If you have any feedback as to what to add to the game it would be very much appreciated!

Also, for the music how would you suggest changing it?

I would recommend making sure it’s quiet enough that people will barely notice it. It’s only supposed to prevent total silence. Also provide an easy mute button for it.

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This is one way to get low visits and 0 reoccurring players

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Do you have actual advice as to how I can improve the game?

Thanks for the feedback! I’ll be sure to impliment it in the next update.

other than scrap it entirely, no cause you only asked for feedback :slight_smile:

There’s plenty of other successful games with the same concept. So I’m sure there is feedback to be had. “scrap it entirely” doesn’t help.

However, thank you for the feedback. I’ll take it for what it’s worth.

Everyone has their personal tastes and desires. Just because a game conflicts with yours doesn’t mean that it deserves to be slandered. There are certain things that should never be put in a game but this isn’t one of them. For example, there are Minecraft Hardcore servers that ban you when you die.


Rather than just “don’t die” I think this game needs to have something to do in order to “live”. Take my Minecraft Hardcore example from my last reply. In that game, you don’t only survive, you can thrive and build and interact with other players.

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the game doesnt conflict with any of my games at all??

i was just saying that this is the worst way to get player retention so they probably should change the concept

weird analogy considering minecraft is extremely different from “fall and you get banned”

Wonderful suggestion! Do you have any ideas as to how I can implement this in to the game?

one idea is the longer you are alive, the more stuff you can do to help you survive for longer, that will heavily increase the amount of time the player spends in the game

You argue that banning someone for falling is bad for player retention. Is banning someone for dying in Minecraft bad for player retention? You absolutely keep players as long as they are alive. In fact, the very concept of “you only have one life” is extremely attractive to some players. There are many wildly successful hardcore Minecraft servers.

Thanks for the feedback!
So, sort of like play to win?

cause it is? do you know what player retention means? how are they gonna come back when they are banned; even if they are only banned for a few hours they could still easily decide “oh ill just die again, there is no point” or anything similar.

once again, minecraft is extremely different from the gameplay in their game

yeah basically, its a good way of keeping players in your game, as they have something to grind for

It’s a 30 minute ban. Not trying to correct you just letting you know.