Feedback on my “Fallen Castle Build”
I would also like Feedback on the lighting effects as wall
Thank You.
Feedback on my “Fallen Castle Build”
I would also like Feedback on the lighting effects as wall
Thank You.
Other than whatever’s going on between the sky and the ground, I like the lighting. I also like your overall structure of your build, and it’s very cinematic, although I think the castle should be a bit closer to the end of your slope. As for the build itself, it seems like the scale is off for a castle, judging by the size of the grass blades, and it seems like it’s more the size of a common house. I like the textures on the castle, but there isn’t much detail to go off of on the castle, and there isn’t much detail on the ground either. If you added a lot more detail, such as trees, objects, hills, etc on the terrain, and more to the castle such as additions, defenses, buildings, full towers, etc, then I think this build would look much better.
This is actually what I have been stuck on and i forgot to add that this is not done.
Also this is my work to try and get on a dev team.
I most likely won’t be going into so much detail with it because it’s just for the Dev Team Leader to see how my work is before they hire me and it looks as if i might be hired my the feed back of you and the Dev Team.
Thank You for your feedback