Feedback on my first (and second) GFX!

Hello, I’m jxzzify, today I created a GFX! I would really appreciate any feeback. After creating this I noticed a few things I could improve on.

GFX I Created Today!

This is my current avatar (minus the face)

A GFX I Created a While Ago

One of my favorite avatars

That’s all! Just note that this is my first forum post so if I did anything wrong let me know. So yeah, peace! :sunglasses: :v:

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They both look amazing for your first (and second)!

The one you did today could be denoised a bit around the side of the head.
Other than that there’s nothing wrong with it.

Great work!

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Thanks so much!

I’ll take note of denoising my renders.

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I like it! It’s pretty cool! Great job! Keep up the great work and can’t wait to see more!:upside_down_face::+1:

I appreciate the positivity! Maybe someday I’ll create a gallery of all of my work in a Roblox game :smiley:

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Yes! That would be amazing! You could make it like an art museum or something!:star_struck:

I denoised my render a bit.

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You’re doing great! Keep doing good! :smiley:

Those look awesome!
May I suggest using props?

the one you did today is best.
i like the textures on the clothes!
it needs more effects and overlays from photoshop or whatever photo editor.
and the background needs more details! not just an orange gradient background.

Alright! I’m still learning the basics of Blender so soon I will be able to make scenes and not just simple one character GFX.

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Thanks for the advice! I use Pixlr at the moment but soon I’ll upgrade to Photoshop if I want to this this seriously if you know what I mean.

Here is a GFX I created today for a friend.

I added the sunray thingy which I personally prefer more than the gradient background.

its clean and simple, love it, except background is really low quality, and you should curve the white line here:Screen Shot 2021-03-27 at 4.21.50 PM