Feedback on my first blender models

So I started making blender models for the 1st time 3 days ago and I want your opinions on my creations.


wow, I was not that good when I fist did blender


is the couch part of the blender modles?

Woah, those are pretty nice if that was your first time.


All of the models you see are made by me

Those look really nice! You are really good for just starting out.

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Very nice! On the second picture I just recommend smoothing the “pointy” corner of the table just to have it fit with the rest. Outstanding work!

Thank you for your criticism! That’s what I made the post for.

then wow you are a vary talented creator

To be honest you most likely used a tutorial for this or this is not your first builds because its so good.

Damn thats really good! You’ve got some talent. You’re going to be great in the future!

Woah, first? These are amazing! Good work,

I only used a tutorial for making the couch.

I suggest to start making full models now. Seems you are using parts that blender offers to connect them together as puzzles. Try to make something like a tree or a house. Then you can work on getting better with the tools a bit. Either way good work. ( The couch you created is very well made, I will say)

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In terms of feedback the table in the first picture has some missing legs. Other than that, the rest looks pretty decent in the first picture. In the second picture, I’m not sure if it’s on the floor or not, but the wooden slate under the table looks like it can block the chair if you were to slide it in like what teachers tell kids to do when they leave the classroom. As for the third picture, it looks fine.

In terms of “just starting” I personally highly doubt that you started blender without prior experience and made these models unless you invested in a great number of hours and effort over the past 3 days. Looking through your models like the “Traffic Cone” confirms it.

If you did achieve this over the 3 days, props to you man. If you honestly didn’t, please refrain from discouraging starting modelers out there with false information.

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The ,Traffic Cone’ model I copied from somewhere and I did invest lots of hours in those three days (about 8-10 hours). Yes I did have prior experience but only knew how to move, resize and rotate stuff.

pretty good start, i love the models and detail

Not bad! Would really recommend looking into smooth shading though, then you can lower the polycount without sacrificing much quality, and it would perform much better.

Outstanding work for your first time modeling. I’d focus on cleaner topology (I’m mostly referring to the chair legs), and remember that all models should have a flow to them to maintain realism.