Please give me feedback on my first build
Reference Picture Below
I think you should add a wooden plank texture to the walls of the building. the addition of a wooden plank texture will make your building look more realistic. the addition of the tile texture on the roof will also make your building more beautiful
It looks good for sure as your first build, but if you would like to improve it though I’d recommend actually making it look like some wooden planks. Duplicate some parts with the Wooden material around the shed to make it look more like the reference image instead of a simple normal empty looking block like how it currently is.
Thank you I will take this into consideration I never really did anything in Roblox studio before concerning building so it might take awhile to do.
Could I ask where the best place to get textures is?
thank you for that I was a bit against putting planks around the house in the beginning because I was scared about whether or not it would look odd but I’ll try it out
Experimentation is key, you can always undo things if you don’t like it.
Being afraid to even try things is not exactly the best habit to have.
Thank you for that I promise you I’ll try my best and focus on trying new things
Impressive for your first build, add wood planks texture, more texture to the roof maybe add tiles to roof to give it roof texture.
Your build is soo good for your first well done.
I often use the default texture from ROBLOX. I think the default texture that Roblox provides is pretty good and I really like it