Feedback On My First Deathrun Map (Sunken Temple)

Hey guys, how are you all doing?
I have been creating a map based off of @Wsly and @Zomebody’s game deathrun, and I want to know your opinion on it, what I should add, and some trap ideas!

Here are some pictures:

traps: 1-3

Traps: 4

Traps: 5

Traps: 6

Traps: 7

Traps: 8-9

Traps: 10

Thats all that’s done, if you have any ideas, please tell me :slight_smile:


Wow, all of these look absolutely brilliant Joe!

Just quick idea if you will. Since the theme is obviously set underwater, you could add a whirlpool or tsunami that hits a brick the players jump on!

Something else you could do is add the kracken or something underneath the surface of the water (just to really set the tone of the game!)

That’s all from me though, keep it up Joe you’re doing really good so far!



Sounds good dude!

Once you finish your map, may i have the honor of testing it out? Only if you are okay with that though

i would say it is plain
i would add some gold designs maybe some vines


Yes! Of course you can test it out! That would actually be great!

What gold designs should I do?

vine design or something
Maybe 2d pictures (like a roblox character)


Like maybe an underwater painting!

You should also add some fish I think it would look nice. Good job :+1:

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Just added vines and a whirlpool trap :wink:

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Really? Joe i find it awesome that you are implementing all of the communities ideas!

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I added 4 paintings in the sunken temple!

not bad however the thing i would change is every thing feels kind of a drab atmosphere.
Not scary but not stylized it just kind of falls in uncanny valley.

what should i do to make it look better?

Looks okay.
but I think you should have done some research before hand

“Abyssinia Atlantis”
It’s an existing map now which is still WIP


sorry to break your bubble but there is already an underwater map that caught the attention of the deathrun devs over in the discord server called abysinnia atlantis/aquatic adventure (name being changed) soo :eye:_:eye:


It looks a bit plain, but kinda good at the same time. There is room for improvement though.
You can:

  • Add some shells on the ground
  • Move the sand a few studs down to make it look slightly better.

There’s also some z-fighting textures on the first image.

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@bluirre and @Astro_Plays1234 there is no underwater temple in the other map :wink: . most of the maps are on land, so why can’t atleast 2 of them be underwater? Btw this is not a copy, and it is not based on Atlantis, it is based off a long lost submerged temple

also @bluirre your clockwork map is really cool! I know it is not for deathrun, but still I ove it!