This is my first ever anime gfx. Keep In mind I have over 1 year of gfx experience.
the gfx is about someone getting superhuman powers. Please Give me any feedback on how to improve it. If you do not have feedback its fine, And if your new at that kind of stuff I can help you out, You can contact me here : BloxsDevs#8239
also, sorry for the watermark, I think it’s pretty cool so I was scared that someone would take it and claim it’s his.
It looks interested, but perhaps you should change the background. Also, I think that the fire and it’s lighting on the mans face is nifty, but you should get rid of the lightning. Perhaps the lightning would better be suited for the background? Other than that the water mark is fine, but you should apply the water mark somewhere in the corner only instead of on the man.
I just started making GFX, but based on aesthetics, I personally think that the “theme” doesn’t really fit your anime character lol. If it’s an anime character that shoots fireballs you might want a more “flamey” background instead of that mountain(earth-looking) background.