Feedback on my first ever game logo!

Hey guys! I’ve been working on this game for about a week now and decided to make an actual logo for it. This is my first GFX/Logo, so I want feedback!

The game is called Battle Burst and it’s a relatively standard round based battle game. The character on the left is the co-developer, Chason (@ChasonStuff), pointing the Rocket Launcher is me, and the person in the background is someone I’m commissioning to do the maps (@NameUndisclosed).

How does it look? I want your feedback!


The poses can be better. Maybe deform the lower arms and legs for a better look. That is all I have.


I made the characters in studio using @AlreadyPro’s load character plugin and put them on a solid backdrop, and it took forever to edit said backdrop out… I don’t want to go through that again lol.

Hey there! I know this is ur first ever game logo, but there are much things that can be better. Like use blender to make the poses and render it in there, also use photoshop to make the logo more appealing, cause the background looks so strange. But still good for ur first ever game logo!


Thanks! I actually use Affinity Designer for graphics and don’t own nor have any clue as to how to use blender or other 3D software… Maybe I should learn sometime.

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Try to learn it on youtube, is the fastest and best way.

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