Feedback on my first ever train build

Hi, I am really just looking for some feedback from everyone. I’ve tried making a train for the first time and I’d like you guys to let me know what could look better on it.


NOTE: This should be in #help-and-feedback:cool-creations and not in building support because you’re asking for any help.

This looks quite detailed and you even added in the not in service and the display screen in the middle of the carts. If you want to, you can make it local to a certain country. Meaning if you’re gonna use this in a game which is based in US, then model it off a subway from the US.


This train looks very EU to me. So, the seats are pretty basic. I would suggest making it rounder at the top and adding perhaps the typical seat design you see on bus/trains also, handles on the seats would be nice. Seatbelts? doesnt have to be functional but more detail. I’ve never seen a curved handle on any transport. I would definitely add handles at the top. The colors are bland and you should add ads like on most trains. You should make the placeholder logo on the outside larger as well. Overall this is really good, but you lack detail in some places like emergency stuff, doors,hammers etc, overhead bag placement (if there is some i cant see it) hope this helped


The front looks like it has a face of a bus too be honest. You could if u want “make the tip pointier and rounded like a bullet”.


Looks very nice. I like it a lot!


Honestly, this is amazing. (30 chars)

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The flat front is something commonly found in European trains

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This looks amazing!! I like the detail you have put into this. Maybe try adding bins inbetween the seat gaps? So like
(/ and \ is a chair)


I hope that made sense

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Its this simple


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It’s based off of this train

Yeah, I ideally wanted to keep it under 1,000 parts which is why detail is a bit scarce.

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Good to know! tysm for the information.


Very good! I like it! Your only challenge now is to see if the train will dismantle when it is welded and when it is moving.

Screen Shot 2020-06-07 at 5.20.18 PM
I would work on this though.

It’s really the perfect train for the your first try! But the front of the train seems a bit bad. Your train has been very detailed. Did you used mesh? I think the yellow stuff in the inner image is a mesh. I have one more question : Are you going to use this in a game or just wanted to do it?

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Thanks! I didn’t use mesh, no I used a few unions and used the new ‘Smoothing Angle’ tool on the sides etc. It’s not planned for any game in particular, however I was considering trying to make a sort of railway simulator (Only problem is I don’t know how to make a stable train system). If you have an idea for the next train I should build, let me know.

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You can try to build this train.