Feedback on my first ever UI. Any constructive feed back is greatly appreciated!


Just looking for feed back on what I can improve. (Please don’t be too mean its my first time :sob:)


The main title is too bright in my opinion like it doesnt even fit with the rest even. I ain’t no Ui desginer but from an audiences perspective, you should have a theme communicate your intention with the Ui you designed. Hope this helps.


everything will look amazing, if you make main menu title fit with buttons


Thanks for the input. i’ve tried reducing the saturation a bit. I think it fits the theme better as you said so thanks! ill play around with some other colours too as I still dont think its perfect yet


Pretty Good UI, hovever it seems like a mixture of light and dark theme. The Main Menu UI is in dark theme but the locker is in light theme. Try making all the UIs of the same theme so they dont look out of place.

Is this better?


yes love the way you added the bit of fading effect to the buttons

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Honestly, I like the title screen, change the title text font. Idk what AD stands for so maybe give it some meaning?

However, you need to change the font for info and credits
BackGround should be Background (i dont think you need one anyway)

The credits are just WAY to spaced out, and the details are so small, make them into categories

Next, the team select, Honestly just give it a darker background behind, add a team name, give the flags some uiborders.

Next, whered the cool buttons go? These in the deployment thing looks bad compared to them, the scroll frame looks great, and give it a border so i can click it easily

I’ll make these changes later tonight and show you. Thanks for the suggestions, AD is just the group logo.

There are a couple things I dont understand:

“BackGround should be Background”

Not sure what you mean by this sorry

“Next, whered the cool buttons go? These in the deployment thing looks bad compared to them”

Not sure what you mean by this either. if you could try re word it, that would be great!

in the info theres a text saying BackGround, and there was a nicer exit button at one of the parts i think it was team select, but at the deployment area i saw the buttons dont look the same as the EXIT button from team select/info/credits area

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This UI looks good. I like the style and features of it. Nice job on it!

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Added some of your suggestions. Still fixing the credits n other stuff.

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Not entirely sure if im happy with the hair/skin colour/face selector ui. If anyone has inspiration or thoughts for that please let me know

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I think you may have fixed a few of the screens, but the big thing for me is the inconsistency in the font.

To create a single unified feeling for the UI, consider:

  1. Use the same font typeface throughout (except the title name of the game - but pick a font that compliments the rest of the UI font).
  2. Create a hierarchy for headings. For example level 1 = 24px bold, level 2 = 20 bold, level 3 = 18 normal. Once you’ve settled on your sizes don’t use anything else.
  3. Avoid block capitals - this can be difficult for people with dyslexia to read.
  4. Make your clickable text more obvious from heading text (see point 2). For example, underline anything that can be clicked on, or have the button have a different colour text/background to the rest of the text. For example, your arrow buttons are black icons on a white background. So have your “select” buttons match (black text on a white background). This will make them stand out from standard non-clickable headings.

But the changes you’ve made already are moved it on leaps and bounds. Well done!

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I did everything you said (consistent font sizes. I chose 24 for buttons, 28 for headings, 24 for subheadings, 18 for main text) Also made the buttons more consistent with them being white now (I think this helps alot and I feel dumb for not doing it before lel). Also changed everything to not be all capitals, I am dyslexic so it helps alot reading when its not capitals but I thought most people wouldnt mind since most people arent dyslexic. Heres the current ui:

Forgot to make the deploy button not all caps in this screen shot

Heres the side menu too with the more consistent font and font sizes. I still need to add a shop button to the side menu but I feel like that will make it look cluttered with that many buttons. hmmmmm

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Buttons are too far apart from each other, either make them compact or increase the button size.
There should also be a visible divider under each button so that the players know more clearly where to press.
The menu button that opens up the menu should be an icon instead of text.

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Thanks for the feedback. I’ll move them closer togeather I agree. Not sure if I need dividers since when you hover over them I made them grow in size a bit and play a hover sound so its pretty clear. Also what icon would you suggest, ill look into using an icon.

No issues here, just probably needs more font and detail.
Anyways, good for a first ever UI Designer!

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the title coloring/font, that’s it. otherwise pretty sick

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Is having the 4 dots better than having the text “MENU” there as I did in the other screen shots.