Feedback on my first game - Castle Battles


I’ve been working on this game for a while and recently released it. The game is about building a kingdom and getting NPC troops to defend or attack. Since it was just released there isn’t much content overall, but I’m planning on adding more soon!

I would appreciate some feedback and suggestions on the game, tips on how to get a initial player base are also welcome.

Some Images:

Here is the Game link


The game is pretty nice, visuals are pretty good and fit the style. The concept is good (although I usually don’t play these type of game). A couple things that I noticed:

  1. I didn’t know where to start and I had to go back to the tutorial several times to see how to do something basic (although I’m probably just not reading). Could you make the tutorial UI bigger?

  2. I cannot make a troop go anywhere unless I select it. Could you make it so you can deselect a troop but it can still go to where the location circle was?

  3. Small thing but sometimes miners won’t mine the rock (like they will just mine the air but I still get gold)

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Hey, thanks for the feedback!

I tried to keep the tutorial very short, but I may have skipped some important parts, I’ll try making a new one soon which explains better how to play. Until this new tutorial is released, I’ve just increased the UI size, hope it helps!

This is intended behavior as troops follow their targets to attack until it is out of range or defeated, ignoring movement orders. However I agree that this may be confusing, so I’ll make troops not follow by default and later add an option to enable / disable it

I didn’t notice this, thanks for sharing! It should be fixed now, the maximum distance for miners to target gold was too far. I’ve also added some gold effects over the miners when hitting the gold ore

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