Feedback on my first game - Fly n Fire

Hello everyone!

After further developing an idea I had way back in December, I welcome you to a new begging topic created out of pure desperation mixed with agony from my life.

Okay okay, I admit it’s stupid. So what am I here for? I am currently working on Fly n Fire - a FFA third person shooter with grapple hooks. You spawn with no weapons, and to get them you need to go (or rather fly, hence the name of the game) around to look for a new weapon. Weapons are randomly spawning in pre-designated spots and you have no idea what weapon will be next. Did I mention they have very limited ammo? … No? Well, it motivates you to scatter even further to not get caught with no firearms in your hands. And size of maps also adds on the “motivation” factor.

It may sound interesting at first, but generally speaking I have no idea how it plays simply because I haven’t playtested it with others and this is my first game I have ever released which I can proudly call Playable at its finest. And to make it clear: I am the only one who is working on this, so that’s why the idea is simple.

Since I simply don’t have enough resources (or any of it for that matter) to make a full-on game-sized game, my goal is to make the player expirience as satisfying and seamless as I could and make a game where players can kill an evening or two in peace. And from here I need your feedback.

The game just went public and it’s pretty empty and raw and whatever-excuse-I-can-come-up-with but I hope I will work on it further. Right now it consists of 4 maps and 6 weapons.

And here are some screenshots

Game thumbnails

Maps (in chronological order)
Three Buildings



Incineration Center

I am planning to release relatively big updates with new maps/weapons/features on a bi-weekly basis with fixes and tweaks in between. I have some long-term plans in mind but it really depends on how much attention this game can get and it’s actually too early to think about it. Since I don’t expect anything, I am planning to stick to what I already mentioned.

That’s basically all there’s to say. Thank you for your attention. Stay safe, stay healthy, and good luck discovering good games.

P.s. I don’t know why I feel nervous, like I forgot something extremly stupid or about to get exposed for something… It just feels weird for me. Most likely because I am not a talky-talky type of person, very not talky-talky

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Not bad for a first game but here are a few things:

Better weapon design:
The current guns are quite low quality. They don’t feel good and arms also don’t move to the direction I am looking at.

More Immersiveness:
The game feels bland and not really immersive. Maybe change FOV with speed?

Lack of map design:
The lobby map looks bland. It’s also quite open so people can easily fall. (I haven’t seen any other maps as I am all alone :face_holding_back_tears:)

Lack of GUI:
There are almost to no GUI in the game. Maybe add a proper menu, settings bla bla bla.

Grapple System:
It can be quite hard for some people as it is hard to aim precisly and the fact that I go super fast. Maybe try making it so that it kind of automatically selects the closest part to the cursor.

And I feel like you took inspiration from Karlson. Oh, you don’t know what karlson is?


Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it

I don’t think I can do much about it? At least nothing that is not hard to make. I am aware that the gun is not pointing at the direction you are looking at, I have in plans to add that somewhere in near future.

I doubt that I will ever make an immersive expirience, but modifying fov with speed might actually be a wise idea, thanks for it.

I mean yeah it supposed to be open and it’s people’s fault for falling off. And I haven’t spent much time making it since it was not my focus so I agree with it being bland.

This game doesn’t need much GUI imo. As of right now it has respawn screen with a settings button, and killfeed. I might add proper menu when I add something people can progress through but right now I think it’s pretty pointless to add menus since there is nothing to show there. The only quick fix I can think of is make settings button visible at all times with a hotkey to make it possible to open it whenver player wants

That’s intended behaviour, I want my game to have a steep slope when it comes to skill

I actually forgot about it lol. But no, I think my main inspiration comes from Team Fortress 2 and lack of maps and gameplay mechanics that uses hooks.

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You can only access settings when in the respawn menu, thats very inconvenient. Also the grapple hook system is makes you go way to fast, add a speed limit and like auburn said add an auto aim feature. For the UI I recommend adding UI Gradients and UI Strokes.


I might make it so it doesn’t make you fly very fast but I still want to make flying fast possible and make it not easy to achieve. Originally I was planning to use Custom Character Physics but I found it a bit complicated. The thing with character physics is for some apparent reason they do not like flying horizontally. I could decrease a force which hooks are using but it results in inconvenience. To compensate the fact that players are flying fast I have an idea of making a hitbox, size of which dynamically changes with the player speed, but when it comes to grapple hooks I think I have no other option but to create some physics shenanigans just for this

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Steep slopes can lead to a low player base if of course you want this game to be popular.

Tf2? How so? I was able to notice karlson mechanics like grappling while holding a gun and fast paced movement but tf2 it is hard to see if you used tf2.

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Never going to be popular, I simply can’t do it solo, so popularity is the least thing that worries me.

A while ago I was spending a lot of time on a community made map with a bunch of custom stuff. It was pretty chaotic and niche so probably that’s why I mentioned tf2? It’s not excactly tf2 gameplay, can’t really explain.

This is a really cool concept for a first game. The mechanics seem really well made and I actually had alot of fun playing around with the grappling hooks. However, can you please not make it so it requires 2 players because most of the time, new players are most likely gonna join by themselves. Anyways it gives off Karlson vibes. Great job btw and make sure to keep updating the game!

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Thanks! Although there is absolutely nothing to do alone in the game. I could just make a spawn room more interesting as already mentioned above but it’s a shooter, and I haven’t implemented a feature to shoot yourself… yet. Whatever that means for players intention.

What the h is Karlson, I swear if it’s actually the same game then I can call it quit
Okay I watched a trailer and there are some similarities here and there, but it seemed way more dynamic that what my game appears to be. I guess I have to live with the fact it’s a karlson ripoff (but surprised it hasn’t released since it was literally years since I last heard this word)

Edit: turns out weapon pointing might come sooner than I expected. I will most likely make pointing better in the future, but adding something like this to my game is… awesome to say the least. Reminds me of the first time seing characters being able to actually follow the camera rotation in Jailbreak

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I don’t know if I am morally allowed to bump this, but here I am. I was quite busy lately, and then I got sick (and still is! gosh I hate it). Anyways I still managed to do some stuff, here are some sneak peeks of what I will release
Overhauled UI style, started from settings frame

Old style

Main menu (still not sure about its look) (and it’s not finished obviously)

First gamepass implementation idea

I think I will release new UI to public in like 3-4 days, but I don’t really know to be honest. With the next update I want to make shooting feel better and change the spawnroom so the time window I gave to myself would probably be not enough to make these changes.

Anyways, thanks for reading, again…

Perhaps you could add some single player events or challenges. So if the game is empty or waiting for a match to begin there’s other things to do while you wait.

Challenges could be things like obstacle courses made for using the grapple so the player can train their skill using it. There could be some kind of leaderboards for fastest times and such. There could also be things to collect like Diamonds that is used as a currency in a shop. The shop could sell cosmetics or things that would give small boost in PVP matches.

You could have daily challenges and ongoing.

Thanks for a bunch of suggestions, already working on some

Really not a fan of a second part where players use premium currency to buy an advantage. In fact, I despise it. So against it, that one of the reasons this game even exists is to visualise my vision of a fun and fair game

I am saying this to let everyone know that I am not going to add mechanics that gives a player advantage over others by any means, including future gamepasses, boosts, and introduction of a game progress. All of these will be purely cosmetic