After 4 months of hard work with my brother, we released our first game, an Obby with heart and soul, born from our love for classic platformers. But we are kind of new to Roblox so we are looking for users to give us feedback on how to improve it, please consider logging in and giving it a go, fastest record is about 7 minutes so it should not be too long. Thank you!
Update July 31th
Been working hard on the given feedback, we are working on adding another mode, in the meantime we addressed the obby being too static added dash double jump and a grapple hook to allow different ways of experimenting the same course while we work on the next one. Coming soon the UI overhaul, and also working on titles for people who have rebirthed many times.
A tutorial is needed, as there are so many things to interact with. Show the Player how to start the obby, how to earn coins, leaderboard, GUIs and more.
Your buttons look a bit stretched out there. For the home button, consider replacing that with a Teleport GUI, listing down locations which Players can teleport to.
You might want to rework the concept. Don’t get me wrong - the obby was decently made, but after a few rounds of completing the same obby, the Player is bound to get bored of it. There’s hardly any action at all. You might want to add a multiplayer mode, where Players have to compete to see who finishes an obby first, in-exchange for coins in-game.
To add to the ambience of the game, how about giving Players the ability to interact with some of the NPCs? The Shop NPC, for example, can be used to interact and give more details to the Player on purchasing in-game items.
Try switching up with the main obby maps! Each time a Player rebirths, they get a chance to be teleported to a different obby, where they’re able to meet new obstacles.
Allow the Player to end their time trial and exit the obby, especially if they entered on accident.
When the Player is attempting the obby, you should restrict the Teleport buttons on their screens. This is so they don’t accidentally teleport back to the start.
Is your progress bar just a solid rectangle with a UI corner? I suggest you to check out tutorials on how to make progress bars, so you can make this smoother.
As said at the start of my reply, this seems pretty good for a first-time developer, so just keep on working on the game, so you can reach out to a wider audience!
I am going to come at this from a building/terrain/texture POV as that is my field of work. Firstly, the game looks alright, but it is lacking that cartoony vibrant feeling. What I think you can do to fix this is watch some tutorials on how to correctly do cartoon/low poly lighting. This will give the game a brighter vibe and will overall improve the look of your game.
Secondly, I suggest removing all of the old dirt and grass textures and replace them with some 3d low poly terrain or parts that have more cartoony textures. The reason for this is, you are mixing low poly assets with semi realistic textures which clash together and do not work cohesively.
Below are some video links that may be helpful, I watched this in the past so they may not be exactly what you need. Let me know if you need anymore suggestions/advice.
That button takes you back to the last check point while in a match it seems. However It should be greyed out or hidden when in the lobby area.
I played your game for a bit, and here’s what I’ve got to say. First of all, well done on trying, it’s better than my first game. however they are a few things I suggest:
I connected my Xbox controller to try out the controller support. Here’s some things I’d like to note:
a. I’d like to see buttons that you can hold on your controller to teleport back to checkpoints and spawn, and controller hints for them.
b. In the feedback menu, and any other menus the game may have, the B button should leave the menu.
c. Levels are much more difficult with a controller than a keyboard. I don’t know how you’d handle this though.
Some of the levels felt a little difficult, but i am not very good at obbies so it could really just be a skill issue with me.
The game will get boring, people won’t want to keep playing it over and over again. This is a problem with obbys, but there’s some things you could do to make it less boring:
a. Add different maps
b. Add more levels
c. Add challenges, such as complete the level with less light.
Morning!, thank you for taking the time to give me this amazing feedback. They are all great suggestions, i will most likely take action on all of them but it will take time .
2. I think i did add one, because I’ve never done a tutorial but will check out vids on that and try to make one of my own.
3. Will definitely add a teleport GUI i can maybe even reuse to tp to other levels (and fix btn ratio)
7. I’ll add a button to reset the time trial
10. The inner part also has the round borders but when you have only 1 checkpoint it looks smudged haha, i’ll try to fix that special case.
Ah yes i’ve struggled with the design a lot and i tihnk after looking at the same thing for a while, i stopped noticing the places where i didn’t migrate the style to a more low poly one, i’ll check on those vids and get the style more consistent. Thank you for the feedback!
Thank you for playing it even if Obbys are not your thing , and thank you for the amazing feedback, i’ll check the controller issues you mention and get them sorted out asap. Regarding point 3, i totally agree, i plan on going to the route of adding different maps, but before i want to have a more defined style to have the next level feel part of something bigger and not like you went to an obby made by another player.
It’s alright, I did a quick speedrun and got the record by around 2 minutes.
There is one area where if you hug the wall you won’t die to the water. And it looks like the levels were designed without the dashing in mind, so there are tons of shortcuts.
But add a restart timer button, it is very annoying leaving and rejoining
Hi bloxy thank you for playing. Yeah the dash i added it as the general opinion was that the game was too static and in lots of parts you have to run long distances without much to do, still in beta and balancing but found it very fun to use, i dont mind the shortcuts although i will balance them further down the line. Also congratz on the record, although my brother just beat it an hour or so later hahaha.
Played the game with one of the developers and here are some things I would do from a scripting POV:
Are you Preloading your Assets in the loading screen? When I clicked the mute and unmute sign for music, It seemed to not be Preloaded. You can learn about Preloading here, where it loads all the assets before they are needed, which gives a nice effect so you don’t have to worry about loading.
Consider using another method of pet following for your pets. It just makes the pets sad, that they are welded (Thats what I assume your doing), and don’t have a natural following animation. I use :Lerp but there is other methods too to make a following effect.
Consider making an Equip or an itemized inventory for pets and trails in a ScreenGui? so if you ever add more, it makes it nice and easy to sort
Make pets more then just for looks. Give them some buffs and make them feel like they have a place. Also consider making pet eggs, as the randomization makes the player have a goal of what they wanna try and get.
Consider making more areas based on rebirth requirements. Once they have 5 rebirths they can do this Area and get double the rebirth amount etc.
Consider making a daily quest of objective system. for example 'Complete Starter course 3 times" for 10k coins. Things like that. This could involve some interacting with the Npcs on map.
Consider adding a max distance to the Billboard Guis in the shops that display coins. You can add a fading effect too, but just being able to see behind them is a neat feature.
Hide the ScreenGui when not using. Like if I’m not in a race, hide the timers, etc.
Add an anti cheat. You will get countless players that finish in 5 seconds for teleporting and flying, on the leaderboards. You can prevent this by making each checkpoint a requirement, or seeing if they have reached a min. of 15 checkpoints before the end etc.
Add features with coins. Coins kinda are useless and only for looks in the game. Consider adding a shop, where you can buy the dash ability, more speed, double jumps etc. to help out.
Consider allowing people to race each other, or have an event that gets the server members to race one another
I tested again the game today and I very like the double jump !!!
And I updated my best score ! I’m now #5 !!!
Keep up the amazing work and have a nice day !
Morning!, wow thank you for the thorough feedback, I know you played with my brother so thank you for that too, and i’ve also read the feedback you submitted through the feedback board. i’ll address a few in a group cause there are a few related.
Yeah im preloading, but somehow there are some assets that fail at the preload (the disabled tune icon being one) i have to do more research on what could be different on that image and some others that also fail
Pets feedback: Great feedback here, i think i just did them becasue i was trying to learn how to do them and added them, i do feel your feedback has opened my eyes to the fact that i should either do them right or do something else so will probably replace them with something else.
Gold / Rebirth: Yup gold still does not have any use, i did want to have at least the “gold earning and spending and highscores” working so it’s still a beta thing, not really much to spend it on yet, we are actively working on finding something that would make sense to spend gold into.
Gui: Definitely will implement your suggestion on hiding the timer stuff if no time run is on (also the reset run too) thank you for this idea . I need to overhaul the UI, add more, have some menues because now the icons are cluttering the ui specially in mobile, i do intend to have a shop ui instead of those shacks haha.
Dailies and races will be coming once we have more idea of what can you buy with gold, oh and also expanding the map with more obstacles or entire courses, hope you can come back and help us with more feedback once we develop a little more.
Great game, so first off the game’s strong point is definitely the sound design (so great job on that). And now comes the criticism (but we’ll say constructive criticism so it sounds fancier), the dash could be used a lot more. I think the game is supposed to be cartoony but the lighting is dark. The only other things I can think of is that the game could use a visual upgrade, and also polishing, overall the game doesn’t feel very polished.
As updated in the first post, did a lot of updates since we first posted and we keep working on all the feedback you people have given us, we added dash, double jump and hook to make it less static, and added a reset run button for speed run purposes. The two mayor updates we are working on are the UI overhaul and adding levels, we will probably try to fix the style with the new levels so stay tuned and know that your feedback is not falling into deaf ears, thank you!