Feedback on my first GFX. I'm looking for some feedback

Hello, I just made my first GFX. And was hoping to get some feedback.


Nice job! This is very well made and to think this was your first GFX! The only thing I have to say somewhat feedback-wise is if the background picture is yours or if you have permission to use it. You could get it trouble if it isn’t… anyways keep up the good work :grin: :+1:

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The Background is Just a blured image. And Thanks so much for your Feedback.

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The background is a bit too invasive, and the light makes your character a little bit glossy. But you still have done a great job. :slightly_smiling_face:


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woah, this is really cool! especially for your first gfx

Nice Job! But I have seen that u can make the Picture better if u fixed these things, First The logo is too big if you would make it smaller it will be great and the light is great but it’s a bit bright, But for a first GFX this is an amazing job. :fire: :fire:

Not bad at all, I like the Dark Grey/White mix you got going on. Looks pretty cool. Especially the headless head. As your first GFX, it’s impressive.

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That look cool not gona lie, you should add some lighting that will be more cool!
Keep it up! :slight_smile: