I made it of my avatar to try and get back into making renders and gfx. Any and all feedback is appreciated!
Wow that looks amazing! I could never tell just from the GFX that it’s ur first one in months. Great job
That looks amazing, I still wonder how everyone get’s a really good background like that!
Its called an hdri, or you could just use a wall from studio
Or even just use a greenscreen
I just made it in photoshop with liquify
Well that’s cool! I like that Idea!
Well its too good, I need to learn this.
You can use blender, there are PLENTY of tutorials on blender, it’s how I learned, and just about how everyone learned
LOL good to know, DM me on Discord Mr.Endless#2685 could you send the video tutorials that would be great!
I don’t have discord… and I don’t wanna sign up either
Could you send it to me in Private Messages?
I can send links right here. My fav YouTubers that do tutorials for GFX is Truffios, and Mxddsie. Here are the links.
Truffios: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwbIBoC0FjLirwbmEVj_OSw
Mxddsie: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWN8sibRj4IvT0FQrirb-TQ
Thanks! This was my first time using a style like this, and I think it turned out amazing.
Hey Endless, here are some pro tips from several GFX artists :
- don’t rely on anyone
- experiment with blender
- Use GIMP or PaintDotNet for editing. both of them are the best free alternative out there.
Pixlr.com is also a really good alternative to photoshop, I even got my mom to use it to edit her photos she took of me and my siblings (literally, I’m not kidding)
And also, technically you could also use SketchUp or Maya, but idk if either of those have roblox rigs. I really recommend Blender
Well, you forgot to mention after effects if you’re going hams with the effects but it’s still good. but listen. I don’t like using browser alternatives because JUST in case that I don’t have internet and I want to make something so PDN and GIMP are the go to for it.
I will say a few things that I like and a few things I dislike. Just from looking I can see the swirly background. It does look OK for this image. One thing I dislike is the rendering quality. I don’t know which program you used, but I’ll assume you used Blender. In Blender, as you should know, has 3 rendering modes. Only 2 are mainly used. From the looks I would assume it’s being rendered using Eevee. Eevee renders quick and easy, but the quality isn’t great. When I make my own GFX, I use Cycles to render it. It’s tougher on your device your rendering on, and usually takes longer, but the outcome is worth it. Here are 2 examples of which what would happen between each rendering.
Even though it takes much longer to render, it instantly looks a ton better. If your wondering what I made, it’s a Cylinder on top of a Plane mesh. This was made and rendered in Blender v2.82. And yes, I forgot to shade smooth, so it looks a bit “blocky” in my opinion. Not my best work, but not my worst.
Yeah I’ve been using cycles for a long time. I usually just make rim lighting in blender then add the rest in photoshop. Granted though I’ve just recently come back to gfx after around 4 months without a computer. Thank you for the feedback though I’ll definitely keep it in mind in my next renders.