Very clean. You definitely have skill
Thank you! I spent an hour and a half on this! Great to hear that as a first try.
~Sky x
VERY COOOL!!! I love the aesthetic style! it really fits in! I don’t know much of gfx but I recommend making Mxddsie’s body a bit centered to the middle and the letters a bit bigger! I love it even with my suggestions! Keep Your hard work up!
Thanks, FusionFast
Wow! I didn’t think this was that great! But in like two seconds I’ve had tips and feedback!
~Sky x
The lighting is a bit messed up and the shadows needs to be in the background of the GFX. Overall, good job.
This looks neat. It would be way better if there was some defined shadows and the person doesn’t even look like she is sitting on the bench because of the blur.
It looks fantastic! You have amazing potential.
Its amazing!
But the player doesnt look like they are sitting on the bench, this could be probably because of the way you blurred things.
Also, what did you use to edit?
it’s pretty good but the character looks very superimposed