Feedback on my first GFX

Hello, recently I started learning to make GFX and I would like a feedback on the first one I made:

Programs I used:
Roblox studio; for get the model and a random avatar.
Blender; for render, make pose, almost everything.

(If you leave a feedback here, please tell me how I can improve)


The room is really nice but i dont even know where to start with the legs… they uhh not in the right place i would say


This seems great for a first attempt! I have some suggestions I’d like to give to potentially help you improve in the future.


  • The posing of the avatar looks off, they’re sitting in a unnatural position. I would try working on that next time.
  • Try adding some effects in your GFX to really make it stand out, as the overall vibe seems a bit bland.

Overall, it’s looking good so far. There are areas where you need to improve, but you have a general basis on what to do. You should be proud of yourself. :upside_down_face:


Yeah, I know that, but I don’t know why I was unable to rotate the legs with the blocky rig, so I had to move them instead of rotate.

Okay, but do you know any web or app for add some efects? If not, it’s fine.


I know a few great free applications you can edit your GFX with, I recommend Pixlr, their tools are easy to use and they’re high quality too.

Hope this helps! :+1:

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Btw i would recommend using the ultimate rig from MattRBX on youtube, heres the link: Ultimate Roblox Rig [Blender] - YouTube

You can either buy it or just use the demo version like i do, it has a bit more features and stuff…

Good luck on the next one! c:

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It looks well-made, but the position of the player is unnatural. Overall, you did a great job on your first GFX. :+1:

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Not bad for your first GFX. But the posing needs a bit of work. (Especially the legs)

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the rooms looks pretty but you need to improve your Posing skills.