Feedback on my first GFX

I just made my first GFX and need some feedback. I followed a simple tutorial on how to make one and I tried it out and want to know other peoples thoughts. I want to start creating GFX type things for people.


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wow not bad at all. but its kinda still and there isnt much going on.


Looks good for your first, good job.

It is quite pixelated and blocky but other then that looks good.
Have you tried blender it’s ment to be very good for GFX.

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I’ve tried blender but I haven’t used it for GFX.

Tried it yesterday it seemed a bit confusing so I’m just using a editing site called Photopia.

maybe put something in the top right corner, maybe some more blue?


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That’s a great first GFX, nicely made!

I would suggest to make the pose a bit more dynamic, or less stiff with the angle, and maybe cover only the corners with white rather than the bottom, it makes it look less awkward with the streaks.

Also, I’ve think I’ve seen that tutorial before, I admit it’s a nice one for starters but in the long term, using Roblox Studio as your main rendering source won’t work out as much as Blender. There is a clear difference in render quality and much more between Studio and Blender and it’s hard to match unless you’re very proficient in photo editing and enhancing.

There are many 3d Blender tutorials on GFX, getting used to Blender is the best way to improve even if it takes time (which it will, but I’m sure you can learn it pretty fast) but a tutorial will 100% help!

You have lots of potential, so keep it up! :happy3:

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