Feedback on my first gfx

I made a gfx for an upcoming game but I don’t know if they will use it or not, but can you guys rate it?

  • Is the graphics good?

  • Is the rigging good?

  • Is there any way I can Improve in lighting?

Everything is apprecicated.


here’s the game link if you want to try it out

(This is not mine)

sorry.I didn’t see your message.

I have one word for you


I rest my case.

But anyway, something looks off about it, but I just can’t pinpoint what.

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The rigging and graphics of the GFX look exquisite. The lighting/shading, though, looks extremely detailed on the characters/balls in contrast to the simple background, which makes it look off (at least to me).

Edit: I’d try to add shadows and more detailed lighting to the background in the future.

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Looks really nice! (I could never make something even remotely as good as this lol)

Honestly the only think the gfx lacks is textures. Right now, everything looks super smooth and everything is solid colors. If you add some textures, it would really improve the quality. Good Job!

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every messages that you guys posts makes me happy and makes me know what I need. thanks.

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