Feedback on my first GFX!

hey there, I Wanted to make my first GFX icon for my game
just wanted to quickly say thank you to @Lava_Creeper03 for the playlist of tutorials

here is the GFX, for a thief game

if you have any ways i could improve it, please tell me


Great GFX! The position of the character is excellent, but I feel like the right arm could be moved a little lower. The outfit is on point as well! Try making the wrench more in the hand’s grasp. Other that that, amazing work!


i know, the wrench is weird, when i try to rotate it, it rotates away from the player, like its attached to a bigger part


okay, iv’e changed it up now, looks better now, thanks for the feedback


Wow! I like the shading and textures of the thug! (If that’s what you want me to call it…)

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Nice render. However, I’d make the wrench so it’s not clipping through the hands. You should also move the bag since it’s also clipping through the other hand. I’d add reflectance with roughness on the bag like you did with the character so it’s not just a plain black.


The wrench looks like it was harshly forced into his his hand, maybe change the positioning of it.


The gfx looks great. I don’t have many things suggestions for improvement here but i would recommend adding a colorful light (if the background is going to be a bright color) just to give it more mood.

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Clean :eyes:

I think you should remove the detail from wrench and make the detail not a image but like built into it it I don’t know how to say what I’m trying to say hope you understand :crazy_face:

ive tried to change the bag and wrench, but they rotate very weirdly, and it is very difficult to position it right.