Feedback on my first GFX[Old]



I changed the shadowing of the text a bit and played with the “R” to match it with the button’s color, and changed the “RABI-RIBI” to white to make it more eyecatching because white stands out than black right? Is this better than the last?

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In my opinion, it looks much better!

It seems a lot more sleek and modern, just as you wanted.

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Oh then I would keep it, lol, I would love to see this with some code.

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This is my final finishing touches to this design, I want to know your last opinions and am I fit to work in gfx/design related things? cause I find it enjoyable the longer I play with it, might even considering it as my main skill sets in game development.

Yes, this would be an amazing main menu!

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please no xD but it’s fine, as long as you give acknowledgement to me.

Can’t wait for what you cook up next, with your skills you will be making GFX for famous devs

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now your just flattering me but thanks

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Im not gonna steal it lol

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But this is your first GFX and it is very good.

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It is my first, but it took me atleast 4 hours to make it look good so I think, I still have to improve on my efficiency, I gotta learn all the shortcuts/hotkeys in order to work faster. TBH i’m worried about my editing software’s trial limit cause it’s about to end :frowning: is good, I use it for my GFXs

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It’s a great beginning, I think you’ll have a great future! Keep up this wonderful job. :+1:

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