Feedback on my first GUI?

obliviously satire but just to let yall know this isnt my first gui

i want like direct feedback on how identical this looks though!!!
i tried to make it 1:1 while all 100% made in studio

  • Looks Good
  • Could use work (Comment why)

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Looks great! Looks exactly like Discords UI but its impressing that you implemented it into Roblox Studio :+1:

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you forgot the ‘remove’ button on the phone number part!!

also, the edit buttons seem too rounded compared to discord, try decreasing their radius a tinyyy bit

other than that, you did a great job at replicating it!! well done!!

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It looks alright. I don’t have Discord so I can’t give a lot of advice to making it accurate, but here’s a few things.

First of all, the username text doesn’t quite match up with the other two:

Secondly, the note section could have a little better padding for the add text.

Finally, like @tacticallysrupid mentioned, you need to add a remove button to the phone number section.

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Not sure how I missed the remove button!

I’ll decrease it by 1-2 for the radius.

looks good but you may wanna update your discord profile description

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its a bit different on discord haha, i had to make it family friendly