Feedback on my first HomeStore

Hello! I’m a starter at building in roblox studio, but, i made my own HomeStore! Theme: Tech

Here are some pictures of it!

I know its empty, its just a layout of a full HomeStore

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I feel like the dark is a little too dark and the blue is a little too much. I would recommend trying to brighten the build up! Also with some other decorations the space can fill up quickly. Great job so far!


In general, possibly adding some more interior decor/ to feel in the empty corners and spaces will enhance the quality and design, seeing that the building looks empty and plain develop the time into adding other details if you don’t have that planned out already.

It’s in early progress so far as not much can be said at the moment. Perhaps take the time to add the finishing details to reduce the empty spaces and large corners. These are just suggestions;

If you are going to have empty areas around in the interior, I highly recommend having a few images by your side of interior Homestore designs just to get an idea on what details are missing. The layout is good, try reducing the large space homestore aren’t quite extended to the back it would have a more natural design if you decrease the size a bit.