Feedback on my first logo!

Hello, I jus created my first logo using photoshop, I would like to see some feedbacks about it and what I can change :blush:
If someone also could tell me for how many robux I could sell logos like that!! I think I want to start doing comissions for that :slight_smile:

Paradise Hotel

It’s not really good but it’s my first one so…

Have a nice day/night !!


Thank you so much, I really appriciate it :smiley:

Honestly, I love it! I only have 1 suggestion which would be having a blurred image of the hotel interior/exterior as the background to spice it up a bit more. Besides that though, it’s very good for a first logo!

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Thanks for the feedback, the problem is I did this logo just for fun and practice so I don’t have any hotel image. I think if someone was buying it I would ask him for that :slight_smile:

For a first it’s great, however when you become more advanced work on the text fonts and shadings.

Ok :slight_smile: Thanks for the feedback :stuck_out_tongue: