Feedback on my first Low Poly House

Hey everyone! I would like some feedback on my first basic Low Poly house! I would love to know what you guys think! And what i can improve on.


I really like it! I think it is a smooth build. great job! :smile:

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I love the asthetic! What re you planning to do with it? Maybe make a neighborhood of them?

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Yeah i’m looking to make a small town for hangouts.

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This is so cute! You’re so talented, keep up the amazing work!
What I like?
Overall this build is so beautiful! The colors are bright, it’s fun and eye-catching

  • I shouldn’t be seeing a gravel texture on a smooth poly
    instead, a gray smooth surface with square smooth lighter/darker pieces
  • Plant boxes, shutters
  • Width
    instead, a bit more in length and width, the sides are slim
  • Pattern
    instead, pattern should be consistent on each exterior wall piece
  • Less chunk
    instead, the door frame and trim do not match up in width, I would make the side trim the same width as the door frame, still would look good!

I would defiantly consider hiring and looking for commissions, you’re doing a wonderful job and I can’t wait to see more post from you in the future! Continue the wonderful work!

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Thank you so much! Thank you for the feedback ill be sure to use it in my future projects! Take care.