Feedback on my first low-poly tree

Hey! I decided to try 3d modeling in blender and made a basic tree.

Feedback is appreciated!


Looks good man, keep on practising and I’m sure you can become a professional in no time.

Looks more like a mushroom than a tree.


Some constructive criticism, yes.

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This is a good start! Blender is difficult to use when you’re learning how to use it. (I still am too) Some of my feedback is to try making the trunk thinner and the top section of the tree a-symmetrical.


Thanks for the feedback! I tried to make it not symmetrical so it looks more natural instead of looking its made from a computer.

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I think the bottom of the bush part should be round instead of flat. Besides that, nice job!

No offence, but this does not look like a tree at all. Try changing the top to red and the trunk white to turn it into a mushroom. :laughing:

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it looks like a mushroom.
thats all i have to say.

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