Feedback on my first making a tumbnail

what can I do to improve my first thumbnail for my game and tell me what the issue about this picture

and tell me what do you think about my first ever thumbnail.



I hope this finds you well,

This looks good for your very first thumbnail, however there are some things that I think you could improve on;

  • The capitalization looks weird, you have lowercase then uppercase, almost scattered around. Try to stay consistent.
  • The picture looks very bland and there doesn’t seem to be much going on in it. It’s kind of an awkward angle. Try adding some different lighting or characters to make it more appealing to people wanting to play your game.
  • The color of the text, I feel like needs to be changed, it’s a little hard to read. (Black on dark colors) . Try switching it to a brighter more joyful color.
  • Also, I don’t know if you meant this but there is a big huge cube with xyz on it on the top right. If this is your final thumbnail, I would probably remove that.

Otherwise this is very good. Kudos to you for making one.


thanks for the reply and also the cube thing you say earlier that was a cube view but I not using it so
 I really appreciate your feedback

I’d recommend working on the punctuation as it looks quite strange having only one word with captial letters. The “welcome” should have a capital as it’s at the beginning of the sentence. It should be “Welcome to Seaside Island!”, or something along those lines.

Perhaps add some effects to spice up the image a little bit seeing as it seems a bit empty? Not too many as that could ruin it a bunch, but I think it’d be better than having just a singular bland image as the background. If you know how to use Blender, perhaps try adding a person to give it a different feel? You want to catch peoples attention when they look at your thumbnail. Also, might want to remove the XYZ cube from the top right, you could edit that out relatively easily.

Also for the text, I’d recommend using a different font rather than one of the default ones and changing the colour as it’s quite hard to read at first glance. Then it’d stand out some more, as again you want it to catch people’s attention.

All in all, it’s pretty good for a first attempt!

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what is the better colour to make the title much more better to read?

Well, that’s up to you. But, I’d recommend something colourful to catch the eye, and to make sure it doesn’t clash with the background try and use complimentary colours if you can. You could keep it simple and just make the text white and put some effects on the text like an outline, drop shadow, etc. Whatever you prefer. It’d just be better than keeping it at a default text and having no colour.

But, you also want to keep it somewhat professional and easy to read. If you go overboard on effects, it’d make it look messy.


but do I need to put something on the thumbnail?

I think this thumbnail is great but just a few things need to be fixed:

  1. Capitalization on “Welcome”

  2. A different color on the text (such as white with a black border around the text)

  3. Maybe choose a different scene so it grabs the players attention

Otherwise it’s a great thumbnail!

Looks good but here are a few things you should work on.

  • Capitalization in “Welcome”.

  • You cannot see the words well.

  • In the thumbnail, I don’t know really what the game is about.

Beside those, this look nice! :tongue:

Dont get this wrong and I am sorry if I offended you.

But this looks like a screenshot taken inside studio and then edited with MS paint.
You should use a readable font color for example white since the background is dark.
Dont italic and underline your thumbnail text it looks ugly. Use a better font, something more expressive.

Add a little blur and brighten up the pic. That’s all I can say.

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The background is great, but make sure to keep the text as “popping out” (Contrast the colors, so the text would be white against the green and grey background.). It’s a start, and make sure to keep good with capitalization. Keeping every word capitalized can sometimes drive players away from playing (yes it sounds absurd) but also make sure to capitalize pronouns and important parts. Keep up the work, and try to make the thumb nails and logos creative!

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I like the background, but feel that the capitalization could have been done better, and the black text is not very readable in some areas. I’d use white text in this situation. Overall a nice thumbnail, and a great start!