Feedback on my first map

[Keep in mind, this is my first map so it may not look good.] :smiley:


Wow, that’s really nice. The low poly trees remind me of Christmas time. The snow mans are just so realistic. This map is amazing. You have such great talent!


It’s really good

Also i think this is the wrong category try putting it in cool creations


it looks decent, however i suggest adding some snow piles on the ground so it actually looks like its snowing.
also the snowmans shouldn’t be all in one place, i suggest spreading them out and rotating them


Agreed. It looks nice just some touches here and there to make it better


Idk but to me it seems too… white? I know it’s snowy and such but I think the terrain just under the snow should be a darker shade <3

Good work on the rest!

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It’s pretty good, although it’s very plain. Also, this should go into #help-and-feedback:cool-creations.


I like it! I really like snow map theme, but the skybox doesnt fit in :neutral_face: . Try to change it to something and play with lighting too!

Looks very nice, although, I’d make the snow/ground a darker shade of white then the colors of the snowmen, and the snow on the trees.

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Thats very Low-Poly, I love it, maybe change the lighting up a bit and add some snow animations. Other then that very nice! Keep up the good work!

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Could you consider adding images of variety of angles not much content is in the image you provided;

As for the feedback, it’s a good attempt for a first time. The flat areas in the map looks, like it could be improved a bit more throw variety of plants and try to decrease the repetitive look. Throw different vegetation even snowy rocks to match the design it’ll possibly improve the build and set a good atmosphere.

You could try experimenting with elevation in different area in the map, adding variation into the trees. At the start, it’s not bad I would just play around with adding elevation terrain in real life areas aren’t completely flat expand the area to add cottages or whatever your making out of this mountains. I just suggest adding variation and height and shapes to deform a better appearance into certain parts of the model.

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Mhm, I made a mistake when I sent it. Not sure how to change it sadly.

More and more every day I see these Wonderful and Beautiful builds. For this being your first map Is incredible. I absolutely love the low-poly look. Some long flat snow dunes would make the ground pop, the ground should have demotion a little. I really hope to see more of your projects in the future! It looks Great! :happy1:

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Looks pretty nice, good job! I recommend making the snow a bit less bright. Kind of hurts my eyes but other than that looks nice for a first map!

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As this is your first map, I really like it. I love the low poly style that your having here!

Keep up the good work!

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Awesome, i like the low poly style.
But i think you should change the direction of where the snowmans are facing, make it like each one faces a different direction since it is kinda weird if they are all facing the same way.

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In future it’d be best to provide more pictures as critical feedback is difficult to get off of one screenshot.

That being said, for a first map it’s relatively ok. The lighting is the most jarring thing from this picture. Add a snowy skybox. ‘atmosphere’, and perhaps slightly darker lighting.

Other than that, I’m not sure you made the trees or not but that’s not particularly relevant. They are, however, very repetitive and as apart of map design things like trees and vegetation should not be uniform and instead be at varying scales.

The snowmen also look repetitive, it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense having so many snowmen together, all looking exactly the same.

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Looks great!

I would maybe add one more type of tree, but that’s about it.

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