Feedback on my first nature showcase

A few days ago I decided that I wanted to start making terrain/nature showcases, and here is my first one. I want you guys to be brutally honest on your opinions, and I would love suggestions for things to add or remove. If you’re interested in helping me out with things like these in the future, or just staying up-to-date on this game and others in the future, I made a Discord server and Roblox group that I will link below. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to pay you if you decide to join.

Game: Forested Fields - Roblox
Group: Team Eidolonic - Roblox


Pretty clean. it kinda reminds me of rice field :wink:

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This looks great! Forested Fields reminds me of when I am walking around in a prairie in the summer, which is an amazing feeling to have. I love this build, and you did a great job on it! Keep up the amazing work.

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I’m really bad at terrain so this is pretty impressive to me. Terrain is harder then using parts for me.

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I love it! Suggestion: maybe add a old barn?

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Same. Parts are easy when you can just block everything out but terrain is like a paintbrush: unpredictable.


I’ll see what I can do! Should I replace the cabin, or make it separate?

I just looked at the field in the picture and thought a barn would look cool there but I’ll join the “experience” now and answer your question :wink:

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You could possibly have the cabin as the “farmhouse” and the barn down the hill by the grove of trees :evergreen_tree:

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I’ll try that out now! Thanks for the feedback everyone

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That’s good because I don’t want to be paid!

The sun brightness should be a lot higher. Bump it up to 8 or 9.

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I bumped it up to 5 for now but might change it later. I have it pretty low because it’s supposed to be like a late afternoon/a little before sunset.

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I’d change the skybox and ambience to fit with that then. :+1:

Will do. Adding a sunset skybox. Speaking of ambiance, should I add in some background noise? Like wind, birds chirping, etc.

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By ambience, I’m talking about the color of the ambiance lighting. Making it an orange/yellow color should help.

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