Feedback on my first shirt

Hello :wave:

So, I made to make a shirt for my game and I would like to know if it is good or if there are things to add (it’s supposed to be an uniform).

Here are the pictures.

Back :

Front :

Any advice is welcome :slight_smile:
Thanks you!


The icon kinda looks like…what Unit1727 pointed out, looks like theres some issues with the back shoulders and I suggest not using black for anything on clothing as it’s super distracting and not very realistic, especially compared to your other bright colors. If you’d like a cleaner icon you should make a mug in studio, take a picture, and draw over it!

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It looks pretty basic, and at first glance you can’t tell what the icon on the back is. The strings in the front of the shirt look weird and decompiled.

You could use a blank hoodie template like this and slap the logo onto the front or back.

Roblox Shaded Hoodie Template


That’s what I thought it was at first.

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the back tho… I hate 30 letter