Feedback on my first Skinned mesh Crow

Hello! :wave:
I did my first skinned mesh with animation. I tried to do a crow and it took me about 7 hours.

I would like to know what do you think about it? what should I do better next time? :thinking:


Hes kinda see-through. Is that intentional?

Do you mean this? If yes, then it is ParticleEmitter with 1 ZOffset - I think it looks better with that



Don’t think it looks super natural if that is what ur looking for but good for ur first.

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I did it for horror showcase, what I am doing with my friend

hey this is not half bad for a first skinned mesh animation, keep it up!!!

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Personaly I dont like that effect which is able to see through this model, but it looks cool

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Thank you for your opinion :+1: