Feedback on my first UI!

Hello! :wave:
I just did / try to recreate this UI for practice/fun! This is my first UI, sorry if its bad but I will try to improve more and also I’d like to hear your feedback! : D

Everything did by me (Including renders)

I also do GFX! If you’d like to check it out, here my portfolio! PrixFoxzer | GFX Designer | OPEN

Thanks for reading! Have a great day! :heart:


It feels fake looking though it’s super believable. You made this in studio? If so, very well done.

Really? I made it photoshop and tysm!

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Looks really good other than the fact that the text is not centred and that it looks squashed. Other than that, it looks excellent! 8/10!

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Your first UI!? It looks incredible, you are very talented. I like everything about the UI except for the font (not a big deal though) and the voting thing where people voted for Quack, it’s very crowded. But overall very nice.


Looks nice, maybe try to make it so hats on the avatars don’t go out of the box.

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Looks pretty nice for your first UI, do keep in mind that it will look prettier if the avatars don’t go out of the white box. Well done, you have talent!

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i followed among us hat style lol

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