Feedback on my Flash Simulator advertisement

Hello I create an ad for my game Flash Simulator - Roblox
And I want to know how you think it is …

Thanks for reading !


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The ad itself is okay but I would recommend you to change the text font and color to something more appealing.
Font I’d recommend: Grobold.

Uhmmm i think it’s really bad. Maybe the worst advertisement i ever saw.
i won’t click on it, it’s too boring as well
you should spend time to learn how Blender to render, not only using Rolox Studio like this.
Flash? I don’t think that guy is flash.
Here’s some examples :

I use Gimp and okay thanks for the advice.

Okay Thank for the advice I will try.

Ok, first things first. What is the purpose of advertisement? It is to promote your game right. That means that your advertisement has to be able to get someone interested in trying your game. I believe people are drawn to well-designed things, things that just look beautiful. One example is iPhone, that phone is super well designed yet Samsung does have better hardware than iPhone. The same thing applies here. Even if your advertisment has a good slogan that can attract people it has to be well designed and look good. I would encourager you to add in small details, maybe have a better background. I think that you should render a nice-looking part of your map as the background for the advertisement and add some effects for the running flash. Change his face to a more serious one and have a side/front angle of him running and not just from angle. Use different colours, put in shadow and sunlight effects. Apart from this Put flash simulator in the top and have a slogan on the bottom that will attract people

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I will follow your advice.
Thanks you

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It’s great but you should probably add something that will prompt players to play. example, if there are promo code for items in your game you can add use code ___ for ___

Okay thanks for the advice :slightly_smiling_face:

I understand your desire to be honest, but that’s a bit too far. Instead of plainly stating your opinion you should express what prompts a player to click on a specific ad.

You don’t have to do everything yourself, may I recommend searching for some quality GFX designers on twitter or across the platform. A decent advertisement could cost you as little as 800 robux. (But it’s well worth it!)