Feedback on my Flying Skateboard thing

Hello, I’ve recently made my 1st ever working flying… thing. Point is, never made anything like this before.

(Ignore the free models you see in game in the background, they are examples for things when I want to make things, not for me to use)

I accept all criticism, hit me with all ya got!

(It kept erroring when I tried to upload file, so medal link it is!)

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I love no replies to my posts, but other posts get insta replies as soon as its posted B)

Smooth movement. I also like the effects it makes and how it slowly accelerates.

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Its Pretty cool. Here are some things I like about it:

  • Smooth Movement and Acceleration
  • Visual Effects
  • FOV change when accelerating

Things I would add:

  • A Speedometer
  • Since the rocket thing is on the back, when you go up maybe make it go up at a slight angle
    *For the character, a idle animation when not moving, and that more agile looking anim for when your moving.

All in all, it looks good man. keep working and good luck in your future development.

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