So since I got the feedback on my last devlog, I thought I’d try my hand at a new gun animation, but this time incorporating all the feedback given to me.
It’s ok, it’s extremely stiff, try adding some more realistic movements, like Phantom Forces or Arsenal, and to add personality, maybe have some guns have different and more diverse animations, like on a pistol, the player would chuck out the current ammo pack then quickly get another one, or have the player be more soft and take it more carefully, if you get what I mean. Overall ok animations, they get the point of the animation, just have less stiffness at the least.
Give it some camera movement instead of just the gun and arms moving. It’s very static and I don’t think even with nerf guns I have could I completely freeze my head while firing and reloading. It needs more of that dynamic feel like Phantom Forces or Arsenal for example.
Playing the game, it’s good for a start but for some reason random ‘tick’ noises occur when I hover over nothing. Also, either I’m dumb or the weapon loadout does not work. The gun does not change or get selected and allow me to play a ‘standard game’.
For the animation I kinda replicated CSGO’s FAMAS anim but with a little difference. Thanks for the feedback though, I’ll implement it in the next revision.
These are good examples of what I’m talking about. All of the animations have their own feeling to them. A bit of ‘oomph’, I guess you could call it. They feel like a real human with real emotions did it. Make more joints move, add more force into the animation, things like that. Camera movement would help a ton, too. And another thing: the bolt isn’t on that side of the gun. It’s on the top right here:
Yeah, I thought when I made the bolting bit that it looked like the arms were going underneath the carry handle sight but obviously it isn’t that visible. I’ll fix that later as well.
Personally, I feel that your animation is very linear. Basically not a lot of movement, Ways I normally get around this are, Blocking your animation out, Then using the graph editor (Assuming your using blender) And messing with it there. Stick with it pal, you’ll get there.
Pulling seems to be slower
Famas is not that HEAVY to pull but as I’ve watched the animation it looks Extremely stiff than my M16 Animation
Mine is Robotic at the start i name it as “Simple” because that’s very simple
you should reduce Pulling bolt and try using Blender if you want to make it smoother like this AUG A3 (RE-Upload) - YouTube