Feedback on my FPS game main menu

Good idea, thanks! I will do that too.

Yep, maybe add some settings too.

Create a new topic (in scripting support) i can help fix that bug with title text

Thatā€™s a great idea! I donā€™t know how to connect settings from one game to another though.

Connecting 1 game to another. Hmmm, I think you would have to browse the roblox developer hub to find out how to do that.

You can use http service to do that. For example make a json data file and access it on both games (not sure how to do it)

Oh yeah, http service. Iā€™m not completely sure how to use http service though

Ima get on studio right now and experiment with connecting 1 game to another.

Use this json database, then use https service (sorry for off topic)

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Actually you can convert it or download it to see if it works. I am in a Mac too and the article I read said that wmv is supported.

I will later, for now I wanna try diferent ways.

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It looks nice but like the donate button shouldnā€™t be the first/largest thing that the players sees. Maybe downsize it and put it into a corner or something and replace it with another button that does something else perhaps (like loadout, gamepass shop, etc).

Smart idea, Iā€™ll do that. Thanks!

Also, I would say add a bit better background for the GUI

Working on that now. I hope the game will be good

Lol, I canā€™t wait to play it and see how it works.

Working on multiplayer right now, but I also need thumbnails (But I can not pay nor make good thumbnails) :frowning:

Hm, to do that you would probably have to play around with gfx. Maybe look up ways to do that on YouTube?

I found out that you can make gfx without blender and in roblox studio, so thatā€™ll help

And I will make buying guns and stuff later, for now everyone will have the same loadout