Feedback on my FPS game main menu

I would like to read what should I add and thoughts. Thanks!


It does the job, and that is important, it is clear that you can donate by pressing the right button, and play by pressing the left button. That’s nice.

However, I have two suggestions:

  • ‘‘BulletStar’’ (which is, I guess the title of the game) would look better if moved to the middle. Or maybe that is just me.
  • You can also add colors or make the text look a bit more interesting in any other way.

Good luck, looks like a pretty nice game to me.


Thank you, I will try to do that right now!


This looks a lot better. Thanks.


Looks very nice, much better then before. Good luck with building your game.

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Thanks, I will link the final game when I am finished.

Here are some things to change :smiley:

  1. Keep your fonts consistent! Stick with a font, and use RichText to get italic, bold, and underlined variants!
  2. Stay consistent with borders, the “Bulletstar” doesn’t have borders, but the buttons do.
  3. Try to stay with a consistent color palette, there are lots of ways to do this but my favorite is
  4. Make sure you used Scale and not Offset, so the UI looks the same on ALL devices :smiley:

Can you please explain what is

Thank you!

And thank you for the !

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Hey! Go to your UI’s Size property, and click the drop downs.
Make sure the numbers for offset are 0, and the scale is on (scale runs from 0-1, so you have to use decimals).

Scale, is the scale of the screen and acts as a percentage, so if someone plays on mobile, they will have the same size as someone on a PC.

Offset, relies off of pixels, meaning 500 offset on a PC might be medium-small, on mobile, it may take up the whole screen!

I am not that good at these kind of stuff, so if anyone wants to correct me just @ me :slight_smile:

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Thank you a lot! I will put the image here when I am finished.

Just wanted to ask, how do I rotate a image label?

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Nevermind, I found out. I hope it’ll be good.

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I present to you… The new and improved Bulletstar main menu!


Why is the health bar visible?

It won’t be in the final game, it is just a plugin I installed.

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@acuaro How do I fix this?
robloxapp-20210315-1927096.wmv (255.4 KB)

Can’t view it cause I’m on a mac, can you upload it to youtube instead?

Well, I can’t, but I will explain it here:
When I open the play/donation tab, the title is still visible (but only the text)

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Looks nice, I would just add a few designs to the buttons, but overall looks good.