Feedback on my game development challenge

Hello, i decided to try strange challenge, my quest is to create a game, but here is a catch, i can develop only 1 simple feature/mechanic each day, i want to ask u for feedback

Day 1 - Rock

Everyone thinks that clickers are boring, soo i made them even more boring, i present you game where you literally click gray rock :confused:


  • Added ability to gain clicks
  • Every time player collects multiplier of 100 clicks he gains level
  • When player level ups he gains multiplier to help him clicking
  • Player can see his progress on the green bar

Day 2 - A colorfull day

I know minecraft added colors update 7 years ago, i was very exited back then btw, but don’t worry, it’s beter to be late than never do something, today i added rock colors and updated level system :tada:


  • 5 is now level base, this mean every 5 levels rock color changes alongside with it’s exp base
  • Exp base is multiplier by which levels are multiplied
  • Added 20 exciting levels with 1 impossible last level 21

Day 3 - Capacitor stone

Have you ever wondered what capacitor is? If yes then you also should know what capacitor stone is, see rock in our game is made up from it, you can see sparkles when leveling up, there are a lot of them due to rock turn click energy into levels


  • Added SFX for clicking and leveling up
  • Added ambient particles for rock
  • Added lighting effects
  • Added smoother transition between rock states
  • Filled a lot of propertiess in a module soo game can look more immersive

Any ideas what other mechanic i can add next time? give your opinion below

a BIGGER ROCK!!! that you can switch too

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an rng box that gives a random rock skin and each skin gives more clicks per click and the rarer the rock and more clicks it gives

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adding some sfx and vfx that play when you hit the rock would make it feel nicer

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Suggestion: remove the up and down camera movement so people don’t get dizzy.

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You’re right, i need to make rock move instead

Info: After day 5 challenge’s difficulty increases :}