Feedback on my game footage so far

hey heres just a quick sneek peek of what I have at the moment. lmk what you guys think. btw ik all the npcs have the same thing, its just that I havent scripted that yet and yes ik its too early for christmas but thats when im planning to release. Thanks! and everything is rlly fast for easy testing for me.


will there be sound? looks very nice at the moment


Yep but it’s early in development so that will have to come later

i’ve got a couple suggestions:

  • unsatisfied customers have a chance to just leave without paying (chance changes with how many unsatisfied customers there are at the moment?)
  • satisfied customers leave tips (more for faster service and correctly made meals, etc.)
  • if a player bumps into someone else holding food that food gets dropped on the floor and has to be remade (or served to the customer with a chance they won’t like it)
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That’s some really good ideas. Will be sure to implement these!

This game looks VERY GOOD! Great job on it! It’s extremely unique for Roblox, and it’s cool! How long did it take to make so far? When will you release it?


It’s been I’d say a little less than 2 weeks and I’m thinking of releasing mid December ISH but let’s see how that goes

looks like the mobile game ads i always wanted to play! now brought to roblox.

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I’m not sure whether thats good or bad but ye ig it does look like a mobile game. It’s supposed to be based off the game “plate up” which has a similar style so idk

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is that a good thing or is it something you want me to work on?

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it is a good thing.

keep the work up

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