Feedback on my game GUI

Hello, this is a GUI created by me, please rate it and tell me how can I improve! :slight_smile:
A video here :
Please comment what you think for how I can improve to make it better :> thanks

You can test it here if you want : intro screen thingy - Roblox


This GUI looks good, but I think you should fix somethings maybe you should match colors, I would recommend removing the leader board or the player list and also you see the line in the bottom of the game’s name I assume “Tri Scent” I would also remove it. Otherwise looks amazing, keep up the amazing work! :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks for the feedback, I removed the topbar and uh yeah the texts are the group name and the group icon

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Its very good, I love the tweening!

In my personal opinion, there’s a lot of “empty space” that I feel could be filled or look more appealing, but I guess that would be filled in due time after more credits and updates appear.

Great work!


How to remove the leaderboard and chat while loading game gui’s?

You should probably make a topic about it! Would be helpful for a lot of developers and you too! :slightly_smiling_face:

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