hi im currently working on my new game called “Hex Battle” its a game where you defend your castle and fort by placing turrets and walls, and attack other players fort by training units and attack their fort. so i need feedbacks for my game and i want to know what you guys think of my game and if theres any bug please tell me. and theres one more thing, theres 3 bugs in my game that idk how to fix the first one is the units when the units move too far it will stop midway and the second bug is sometimes when you place a build it doesnt placed in the mouse position like it got a little far from the mouse position, last bug is in bot mode ive made a pathfinding script so the bots unit wont stuck in players builds but they didnt detect it they just like doing the MoveTo: script and stuck in the build. so if youre interested to help me, dm me on discord arkanooun#9985
Could you link the game in your original post? For anyone looking, I’ve found the game:
I think this is because of the built-in timeout Roblox has for MoveTo:
from the documentation website.
would calling moveto many times cause lag and the scripts already cause lag maybe because too much loop or too much moveto but that might fix it
and one more thing so how to make them keep moving when they stopped but its not in the destination script:
local playingAnim = false
game.ReplicatedStorage.Events.UnitControl.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, mousepos, selected)
player = plr
if selected then
if selected:FindFirstChild("Moving") and selected:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
if selected:FindFirstChild("Moving") then
selected.Moving.Value = true
if selected:FindFirstChild("Moving") then
selected.Moving.Value = false
The game’s visuals are pretty nice, but having a wall of text as a tutorial normally drives away many players. An interactive tutorial would help a lot.
The servers for Vs Bot games also have a limit higher than one, meaning if two people try and play Vs Bot they are both sent to the same server.
First impressions:
After loading in, I was hit with walls of text. I get it’s the tutorial, but make that optional. Not only that, but integrate the tutorial into the game itself. I also noticed there’s no way to bring up the tutorial again.
I noticed you can’t jump in the lobby, that’s not bad I guess. Just something I noticed.
The UI is fine enough:
There are some things I’d do differently, like font or how big the text is compared to
the ‘white space’ of a button and whatnot. It’s functional though.- Red: UI overlap
- Light Blue: I’d move the ‘Lv 1’ UI so that the left side of the ‘Exp’ bar and the ‘LV’ bar are also parallel on the y-axis.
- White: UICorner inconsistency
- There’s also some typography issues. I’d make ‘YouTube’ bigger along with ‘Twitter’ and ‘Discord’. I’d also just change up the ‘Code’ UI in general.
The store UI looks great!
Major issue, if you press all the buttons (‘code’, ‘chests’, ‘store’, and ‘builds’) the UI overlaps with each other. I’d program it so that only only of the menus are open at a time:
When hitting play, I noticed the ‘All Rate’ mode. Not sure what that does. I’d better communicate that.
Also, the game release code from Twitter worked.
My first bot match:
- Builds UI is alright as well, I’d make the background color not gray but meh. Maybe a darker color would fit better with the UI style you have going.
- When in a match, the buttons on the bottom right of the screen don’t work at all. Opening the F9 menu I see the following:
- The menu for the units opens up, but I’m not exactly sure what each thing does. (the shop menu in the lobby tells me, but not in the actual game.) I’d add a ‘tool tips’ or an information pop-up for when someone on PC hovers over something. Give a description of what each thing does.
- Placing builds is awesome. There’s a pop-up that says how much more money I need if I can’t buy/place something, which is great. I noticed 6 farms is the max, but didn’t realize I could upgrade things till it was too late.
- Night time is really dark.
the match was like 14 minutes long, I lost.
Random stuff after my first match:
- In the shop menu in the lobby, I wasn’t able to purchase the ‘Ranged Barrack’ despite having enough money. I didn’t spend my money though.
actually, it seems I’m not able to purchase anything.
Second match:
- I’d like to be able to buy surrounding plots, not just the one. I’d like to choose. Maybe the intention is to not be able to, but I think land could still progressively get more expensive and allow more freedom to the player.
- My guys are getting stuck here:
- The units thing is stuck at 5/5 and I can’t make more units because of it being broken.
- Actually, I just found out 16 mins in, in the second match that I can move the warriors to fight in a specific area. It’s like a click to move kinda thing. Makes sense now ig.
I lost again.
Third bot match:
- Someone else was in a bot match that I joined in?
- Them leaving the game might’ve broken something. I wasn’t gaining any money at all so I couldn’t do much other than placing a torch.
Are units supposed to fight/walk themselves to enemies?
From my longer reply, I found that clicking on units, clicking the green arrow button, and then clicking where I wanted the units to go worked fine.
I don’t think it’s a code issue for when the player click the mouse, maybe it is, but I think the main issue might be that they don’t go attack automatically. (maybe that’s intended tho.)
Thanks for the feedback i appreciate it and ill try to fix so every player has their own bot server
Thanks for testing and the feedbacks! Ill fix the bugs and improve the ui and the tutorials, also you might check the console maybe theres any errors when you try to buy builds
I checked the console after trying to purchase things, but I didn’t see any errors. I believe I can only see client-side, not server-side. (because I’m not the owner of the game.)
Ive fixed the bug it happened because theres a build that requires lvl 4 to purchase and it made the purchase button not active and i forgot to make the active to true again after select another button