Feedback on my game menu


I have created this simple little menu for a project im working on, let me know what you think of it, and where I can improve.


Nice try but whats the font name of the big texts?

The font is called Archicoco.
Its not in studio, for this I used canva and exported them as an image.

Big issue I’m seeing here is the longevity of the menu and how long it takes to get through the whole thing. I would recommend adding a skip button or decreasing the duration on it so that it isn’t so windy.


Yep but the main problem is not translatable , I better use these custom fonts as logos instead of translatable texts

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This game menu looks good, nice job on it! How long did it take to make this menu? It’s unique and cool for Roblox!

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around 7-8 hours id say, im no expert scripter so getting everything to work properly was quite the experience

thanks for the feedback, ill add a skip button