Feedback on my game - "Space of Speed"

In this place, you have to be ‘the Fastest Animal’ in any method.


First, choose your animal to be Faster.

congis atia
congis v
congis paim
congis t

PVP against another side,

… or PVE,

… or Explore Space.

Be the fastest Faster in any way and do teabagging for losers

Pls leave feedback on those Qs. It would be better if you put an image on it.
You don’t have to answer all Qs or professionally. I want just get your honest opinion.

  1. Can this thumnail catch people?

2-1. About this game’s element(map, gui, sound, rule, etc…)

2-2. Do you know how to make those elements better?

  1. Did you find bug? (even a little)

  2. Other feedback

If you want to give more idea or see this game got better, pls join my group!
We will wait you

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Hello Mrdmlxo,

I can summarise the aim as: “collect green orbs to score points”?
Because I actually didn’t notice a correlation with the animals described, except for a skin, which is also badly adapted to my character and makes him look ridiculous.
Furthermore there is a conflict for the player, because the increased speed should allow him to reach the green orbs more easily, but in reality it makes the controls complicated.
Whatever, but this was a very subjective opinion on the premise of the game.

Objectively, the basic functions are there, albeit very rudimentary, some of them don’t work (e.g. the sword’s grip has to be set backwards compared to how it is now) and others are an example of absent design, but if the experience is meant to be a way to test yourself as a programmer, I can understand.

For example:

  • Spaces are large but not very functional
  • The arrangement, number and value of orbs is too random
  • If you catch a red orb at the beginning you practically don’t move for the whole game
  • I think at the speed I was going the least of my problems was using weapons to attack other players
  • I’ve seen slots dedicated to “possible” animal abilities, but nothing usable, so what choice is the animal at the start?

(In this image there is me waiting 90 seconds standing still because I have speed 0.15 and the sword stuck in my hand)

I would advise you to spend more time fleshing out the game and hire a game designer, a graphic designer and testers to take care of all phases of the game.
If, of course, the aim is to publish it seriously.

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Thx for feedback!

  • Spaces are large but not very functional
    – Extra obstacles will be updated.

  • The arrangement, number and value of orbs is too random
    – Intended stuff. If others say it again, it would be changed.

  • If you catch a red orb at the beginning you practically don’t move for the whole game
    – Default speed got faster, and warning screen for someone lost all speed added.

  • I think at the speed I was going the least of my problems was using weapons to attack other players
    – Animals’ own abilities added. It more useful in speedy game.

  • I’ve seen slots dedicated to “possible” animal abilities, but nothing usable, so what choice is the animal at the start?
    – Animals’ own abilities added. It more useful in speedy game.

m reviving the dead thread, but I need another feedback for my game now.
I thought It might be better than writing new one.