My game is currently in testing, so it haven’t gotten any feedback yet.
Game Description
Streak is a multiplayer first person shooter game with a low poly feel. It is meant to be a sci-fi, arcade like with an emphasis on skill (mastery of game controls, abilities, attacks, flying). It is a round based game with different gamemodes. It comes with a rank and credits system, weapon/ability/item shop, with customizable character appearance via hats, faces, and clothing colors. I am really going for that satisfying feel, such as great visual effect, kill alerts, UI, etc.
Everything is up for critique, however some of the maps are clearly placeholders.
Just like Zabazz said once i went to switch weapon, i can’t even do that or see the weapons at all and everytime i went to the food man i hit (V) the food was falling all over the place and going away in 1 second. Plus the coffee cups was glitching out of Zabazz hands. Just to give you a heads up hope you can fix these problems and hope we help put.
This should not be happening. The problem is likely one with the values created by the datastore script. This will most definitely be fixed.
This is intentional, they are just simple bricks. The food man was a placeholder to test the interact system. Will likely be replaced with something more elaborate at a later date.
This is probably because the server gun model uses a fairly basic positioning/grip method, with some value editing that can be fixed.
As of today I have patched all the bugs that @jordonh23 and @Zabazz had mentioned, however I haven’t published the bug fixes/updates yet.
Some things I changed:
Coffee cup glitching was removed
Spawning with no loadout glitch was fixed (was due to an improper indexing of a datastore for new players)
Lobby now has third person view (to see your hats/faces and stuff)
script speed and efficiency has been greatly improved, the big and invasive UI have been resized, and the UI has been made more efficient/dynamic.
Yeah, players are pretty central to the gameplay. without them, the game gets pretty boring.
Since I haven’t advertized or finished/polished and released the game yet, there arent going to be any players. If you play Phantom Forces, Arsenal, or Strucid without other players that would be pretty boring as well