Feedback on my game

So I’ve been working on this game for about 2 years now and I really want some feedback from people who have never played it before. Some testing if you will. This is an older version of the game however and I am working on a way better version at the moment. Any feedback is appreciated!

played the game for about 10 minutes
ok feedback time:
starting off, I can tell the game has potential, I know you’re trying to make a game like eg, so maybe take some advice from the game.

first of all, the map is too empty
The buildings look amazing and all, but its just too empty.
notice how much empty space is between biomes?
two options to fix this:
a: make a pathway with some buildings alongside it
or b: add a trail of coins so walking doesn’t feel like a chore
note: the second option will eventually lose its novelty

speaking of chores, moving around the whole map feels like a chore instead of a journey, I have NO GOALS or intresting things to do and with the average attention span, most players will just leave after a few minutes of mindless exploring
some things you could add:
quests: could be simple fetch quests, something to do
NPCs: There are a lot of buildings, use them, any dialog at all would help make the game not feel like a empty baseplate
Collectables, Maybe items or easter eggs that are hard to find: this will encourage the player and give them something to work towards
Global Scoreboards: take advantage of the human need of competition, its why games like sols rng is so popular. You got more coins than me?! I better play for longer!

yeah thats all I got for now, btw make the make not set in a train station, It is a closed space and does not represent the game well, first impressions matter. If you really want it to be in a train station then at least do a cutscene outside

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NPCs will be added! I plan to add quests, special items from NPCs, and more. About the starting in the train station, the next version will start the game with a main menu that has the background outside the train station. I’ll also make sure to get rid of all of that empty space.

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I suggest you look into this game, It has a lot of content while being a “find the…” game

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Silly little game, good for chilling around, tho need to add more unique places and something to do, @foxnoobkite already done a great job on feedback so I won’t repeat it.